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Corner grocery stores have become supermarkets, hospitals healthcare centers, and stadiums sports complexes. We live in a world wallpapered in design--environmental graphics are everywhere. High quality, well designed environmental graphics can change the way people experience the world around them and increase the marketability of retail, commercial, and mixed-use projects.
GOAL... One of the greatest facets of sports entertainment lies in the colors, logos and graphics that bring the games to life. My roster includes household names like adidas, NFL, Honda motorcycles, The Chicago Bulls to name a few. Offering loads of creative services like corporate communications, promotions and branding, exhibitions and events, advertising, direct mail and editorial design.
The longstanding and sometimes magical partnership between print and music may be looking at an uncertain future but there is no doubt that song lives on. I like to think that I'm not alone in my love and appreciation for the tactile side of music, what it feels like to hold the music in your hands--the owning, collecting and archiving of music.
YOU'VE GOT MAIL. One tried and true method of marketing a political campaign is with direct mail, typically one-page, double-sided advertisements that provide succinct, easily absorbed information on the candidate or initiative.
Some old-fashioned things, like flannel and blue jeans, will never be replaced by something new and flashy. The analog, tactile book remains essential. It's efficient in it's perfection, packing thousands of words in a well covered and portable package. It holds a charge indefinitely and can be carried around to be enjoyed whenever, where ever. The pages, type, binding and jacket of a traditional printed book are timeless.
For a variety of institutional audiences, I have designed and developed many strong and effective collateral pieces. Well-branded newsletters, annual reports, brochures, folders, informational packets, and any other unique communication piece needed to get the right message to the right audience.
What makes a good logo? A good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic, simple in form and conveys an intended message. A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. Good logos feature something unique without being overdrawn.
HOW TO TELL A STORY... Like any great sales pitch, an effective sales presentation, either in print or powerpoint, offers a compelling narrative; it elicits an emotional response from the audience. The trick is to understand how to engage your listeners, keep them focused, and use the right visual imagery to convey your message. So whether you're pitching an idea to investors, introducing a new product to your clients, or simply reviewing your company's quarterly results, a great presentation will leave your audience feeling inspired.
Pro bono or more accurately pro bono publico, comes from a Latin phrase meaning “for the public good.” We’re not talking about knocking out on-the-fly designs on my lunch hour, or while I'm watching a MacGyver rerun marathon. We’re talking about providing professional designs, designs I'm proud to deliver to a paying client, to a non-profit organization or charity without money changing hands.